“For Coaches by Coaches”

The Coaches Charter

By Frank Dick OBE 09.02.2022

It is agreed by all involved in Track and Field that the role of a coach is essential to the performance of an athlete or team. In order for this role to be most effective it is fundamental that a coach works within a framework of understandings.

A coach will constantly give their best efforts to deliver the highest professional standards in all areas to ensure that the best interests of the athlete and the sport are addressed in terms of wellbeing, development and performance.

In the interest of good order, this Charter of Coaches’ Rights and Responsibilities is agreed upon by Coaches and their Member Federations, and separately by those availing themselves of Coaches’ Services.


Coaches have:

A right to an accessible and coordinated programme of coach education and certification.

A responsibility to actively pursue continuous personal professional coach development to maintain a level of education compatible with effectively addressing their athletes’ needs.


Coaches have:

A right to a nationally or internationally accredited system of qualification and license to practice.

A responsibility to achieve and maintain the level of qualification and conditions of license consistent with their coaching role and professional status.


Coaches have:

A right to a formal agreement with an athlete, Club or Member Federation.

A responsibility to meet all aspects of their coaching role as set out in that agreement.


Coaches have:

A right to economic or other compensation for services rendered.

A responsibility to effectively apply best endeavors to meet agreed performance and development objectives, ensuring highest standards of product and service are offered.


Coaches have:

A right to a working environment that is supportive of coaching and coaches.

A responsibility to ensure that the coaching environment is nurturing and conducive to the optimal learning and development of athletes; to contribute to enriching the coaching culture of sport and nation; and to further the profession of coaching.


Coaches have:

A right to create and belong to a coaches’ professional association.

A responsibility to operate at all times within relevant employment, civil and criminal law and a Sport’s Coaching’s professional regulations, where they exist.


Coaches have:

A right to enjoy parity of esteem whatever their role in the athlete development pathway and to be treated with integrity, fairness and respect as required by WA Safeguarding Policy. This applies equally to coaching able bodied athletes and those with a disability.

A responsibility to treat athletes, coaches and officials with integrity, fairness and respect: To complete WA Safeguarding course and operate at all times within its behaviour framework: To sign up to WA or MF Code of Conduct for coaches; To hold relevant accreditation to work with vulnerable groups; To sign up to the Code of Conduct for Coaches; to hold relevant accreditation to work with vulnerable groups; and to operate within other agreed integrity related.


Coaches have:

A right to a voice in their Member Federation, Area Association or World Athletics.

A responsibility to ensure that the collective view on issues critical to coaches, coaching and the sport is competently represented in the forum of their Member Federation, Area Association or World Athletics.

These views reflect a balance between the interest of the athlete, the interest of the sport and the rights and responsibilities of the coach and coaching as enshrined in this charter.

Have Any Question?

Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.